Aldi UK Specialbuys Thurs 29 July / Sun 1 August

Aldi in the COMMUNITY

GB Ambassadors.

Jade Jones OBE Taekwondo

Proudly supporting our longstanding TeamGB Ambassador since 2016, and double Olympic goldmedal winner, Alistair Brownlee. Alistair Brownlee MBE Triathlon

Proudly introducing 5-time Olympicmedallist and Aldi Ambassador, Max Whitlock. With 12medals and 5 titles in Olympic andworld championships, Max is the most successful gymnast in his nation’s history. Max Whitlock MBE Gymnastics

Proudly introducing multi-medal-winning TeamGB triathlete, Jonny Brownlee. Get behind Jonny as he takes on theworld in Tokyo. Jonny Brownlee Triathlon

Proudly introducing double Olympic Champion, Aldi Ambassador and all-round Welshwonder woman, Jade Jones. Get behind Jade as she takes on theworld of Taekwondo at Tokyo 2020.


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