Aldi UK Specialbuys Thurs 29 July / Sun 1 August

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Amazing recipes in store EVERY DAY

Weaning recipe ideas

Top tip Batch cook purées and freeze some for later!

6 months Start with single vegetables

Method 1. Pre-heat oven

Try puréed sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach – a range of flavours to ensure they don’t get too fussy. Don’t forget to let them play with their food.

to 200°C/180°C Fan/Gas Mark 6. 2. Slice the butternut squash lengthways and spoon out the seeds.

3. Place the squash face down in a roasting dish, add a cup of water and cover with tin foil. 4. Roast for 40 minutes or until the flesh is easily pierced with a knife. 5. Leave to cool then scoop out the flesh and blend in a food processor until smooth. 6. You can add 2 teaspoons of baby’s usual milk to make it smoother.

Butternut Squash Purée Prep 10 mins | Cook 45 mins Ingredients • 1 Small Butternut Squash • 200ml Water

• Dash of your baby’s usual Milk (optional)

7 months Mash it up

Time to explore new textures. It’s really important to get them used to lumpy textures, such as mashed-up veg. And babies love feeding themselves, so soft, well-cooked finger food will go down a treat.

Smashed Avocado and Banana Prep 5 mins | Cook 10 mins Ingredients

Method 1. Remove the avocado stone and scoop the flesh into a bowl. 2. Add the banana and mash until there are no lumps and the purée is smooth.

• ½ Ripe Avocado • ½ Small Banana

9 months Explore new tastes

Method 1. Cook the finely diced onion in oil until translucent. 2. Cut the beef into 1cm cubes and cook with the onions until browned. 3. Add the sweet potato and rice, then the turmeric, cumin and curry powder and cook on low for 2 minutes. 4. Add the chopped tomatoes and boiling water and simmer for 25-30 minutes until the beef is tender and sweet potato is soft. 5. Add the coconut milk and spinach and simmer for 5 minutes. 6. Serve the beef curry warm.

Now is the time to introduce a wider variety of iron-rich foods, such as oily fish, meat, beans and eggs. Try starchy carbs like rice, pasta, noodles and potatoes and use strong flavours to encourage adventurous tastes. Beef Curry with Rice Prep 10 mins | Cook 45 mins | Makes 4-6 portions Ingredients • 150g Diced Beef

• Half a small Brown Onion, finely diced • 200ml Boiling Water • ¼ tsp Ground Turmeric • ¼ tsp Ground Cumin • Pinch Curry Powder • 30g Long Grain Rice • 2 tbsp Coconut Milk

• 1 tsp Vegetable Oil • ½ Sweet Potato – around 120g, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes • 30g Spinach,

Blend or mash to achieve your desired consistency.

finely chopped • 150g Chopped Tomatoes

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