Aldi UK Specialbuys Thur 25 Apr/Sun 28 Apr 2024

Buy in store SUN 28 APR

Old El Paso Soft Taco Kit

Choose from Smoky BBQ or Extra Mild. 85.4p/90.9p per 100g

£2.99 350g/329g ONLY

Ben’s Original Rice

52.3p per 100g


£1.15 220g ONLY

£1.94 per 100g

£3.49 180g ONLY

Manomasa Tortilla Chips £1.06 per 100g

Mexican Recipe Mix

49 p 30g ONLY £1.63 per 100g

£1.49 140g ONLY

Sauces & dips. Dip into delicious

Old El Paso Chunky Salsa 70.4p per 100g

Old El Paso Condiments

Choose from Guacamole or Salsa Dip. 55.9p/57.4p per 100g

Mexican flavours with our range of sharing dips and sauces.

£1.59 226g ONLY

£1.79 320g/312g ONLY

Cholula Hot Sauce

99.3p per 100ml

£1.49 150ml ONLY

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