Aldi UK Specialbuys Thur 25/Sun 28 2024

Amazing range in store THIS SEASON



Love your leftovers! Reduce your food waste and transform the rest of your roast dinner, leftover trimmings and all, to create

this delicious, hearty ramen.



See page 26

£3.69 per kg Sugarsnap Peas 59 p ONLY 160g

36.7p per 100ml Soy Sauce 55 p ONLY 150ml

54.2p per 100g Stock Cubes 65 p ONLY 120g

43.7p per 100ml Sriracha

87.8p per 100g Medium Curry Powder 79 p 90g ONLY

£1.99 455ml ONLY

Products and prices may vary across stores, Aldi Local and Scottish stores. Fruit and Veg offers available from Thursday 25 January 2024 until Wednesday 7 February 2024. New offers start on Thursday 8 February 2024. Products and prices are correct at time of going to print but, due to growing conditions, are subject to change. Please see in store for latest offers. Fresh Guarantee – terms and conditions apply, please see for details. Photography shows serving suggestion.


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