Aldi UK Specialbuys Thur 16 May/ Sun 19 May

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Bell’s Healthcare Hayfever & Allergy Relief

£1.95 Tesco Tesco Allergy & Hayfever Cetirizine

Aldi 79 p 14 pack

14 pack

Based on a comparison of products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other product at different prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offer, used and checked on 17/04/24. Tesco Allergy & Hayfever Cetirizine 14 pack, 14p each. Bell’s Healthcare Hayfever & Allergy Relief 14 pack, 5.6p each. Aldi price and packaging correct as of 17/04/24. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information visit Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2023.


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